Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Hannes Grimm–Strele

July 5, 2014

1 Contact

eMail: hannes.grimm-strele (at)

Currently, I am a development engineer at Numeca International, Brussels, Belgium.

2 Short scientific biography

3 Current fields of research

For a list of publications, visit the ACORE website

You can download my diploma thesis here:

4 Summer of HPC

During July and August 2013, I participated in the “Summer of HPC” programme and spent two months at the National Supercomputing Centre of Turkey located at the Technical University of Istanbul. I worked on simulation and visualisation of blood flow in coronary arteries. Some links:

Website of the programme:

My final visualisation:

Furthermore, I wrote a blog for the newspaper of the university of Vienna. You can read it here (in German):

5 Conferences and talks