Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Hannes Grimm–Strele
July 5, 2014
1 Contact
eMail: hannes.grimm-strele (at)
Currently, I am a development engineer at Numeca International, Brussels,
2 Short scientific biography
- Born January 8, 1985 in Karlsruhe/Germany
- 1995 – 2004: Bismarck–Gymnasium Karlsruhe
- June 24, 2004: ”Abitur” with grade average of 1,1
- 2004 – 2010: studies of Mathematics at the University of Vienna
- 2008 – 2009: tutor for Analysis I and II
- April 19, 2010: Master’s degree with honours
- Since May 1, 2010: PhD student in the research group ACORE at the
University of Vienna
- September 2008, September 2011 – February 2012, September 2012 –
October 2012, and March 2013 – April 2013: research stays at the
Max–Planck–Institute for Astrophysics in Garching near Munich
- January 19, 2014: PhD degree with honours
- December 2013 – April 2014: postdoctoral researcher at the
Max–Planck–Institute for Astrophysics
3 Current fields of research
- Numerical grids for astrophysical simulations, grid generation methods
- Boundary conditions for ”box–in–a–star” and global simulations
- Solar and stellar surface convection
- Efficiency of numerical methods
For a list of publications, visit the ACORE website
You can download my diploma thesis here:
4 Summer of HPC
During July and August 2013, I participated in the “Summer of HPC” programme
and spent two months at the National Supercomputing Centre of Turkey located at
the Technical University of Istanbul. I worked on simulation and visualisation of
blood flow in coronary arteries. Some links:
Furthermore, I wrote a blog for the newspaper of the university of Vienna. You can
read it here (in German):
5 Conferences and talks
- September 11, 2009: SAGA group meeting in Garmisch–Partenkirchen
(MPA Garching)
- April 15, 2010: Diplomanden– and Dissertantenkolloquium of the Faculty
of Mathematics, the University of Vienna
- April 28–29, 2011: 1st International Workshop on Small Scale Magnetic
fields, Bairisch–Kölldorf
- June 14–17, 2011: SimTech 2011 – International Conference on Simulation
Technology in Stuttgart
- April 18–20, 2011: 2nd International Workshop on Small Scale Magnetic
fields, Bairisch–Kölldorf
- February 27–28, 2012: VSC User Meeting in Neusiedl
- June 24–28, 2012: EU–US HPC Summer School, Dublin
- November 27, 2012: Vienna Lunch Talk, Vienna
- March 18, 1013: MPA Institute Seminar, Garching
- April 26, 1013: Talk at the University of Würzburg