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Solar granulation in 3D


Solar granulation in 3D - movie 2.5km

This movie (click!) shows the development of solar granulation as simulated in extreme resolution. The isosurface T = 6000K is coloured with vertical momentum (red: downwards, blue: upwards). The domain is 1.2 Mm wide. The grid size is about 2.5 km in each direction. Starting from a previous model with less resolution (7.4 km in the horizontal, the simulation shows in the course of time, as the higher numerical resolution takes effect, the rich fine-structure of the turbulence, in particular in the downflow area.


Cepheid in 2D

Cepheid in 2D

This is a snapshot of the upper convection zone (H+HeI) of a cepheid model. Colours: convective flux. The picture shows only the uppermost part of our calculation which spans the outermost 42% of the star.


Solar granulation in 3D -- vortex tubes


Solar granulation in 3D - movie 1

The movie (start movies by clicking images) shows solar granulation in extremely high resolution (grid-size about 2.5 km). It starts from a lower resolution state, and turbulence is seen to fully develop. In the center of the domain there is a downflow, ascending granular flow is near the border. Note the large number of vortex tubes developing.



Solar granulation in 3D - movie 2

The movie (start movies by clicking images) shows entropy in a 3D simulation of solar granulation (blue = low entropy material from the surface). The box width is 12*12Mm

Solar granulation in 3D - movie 3

This picture shows density variations in a horizontal cut near the surface.



Solar granulation in 2D

Solar granulation in 2D

A 2D simulation pic in normal resolution (temperature); horizontal box width 11Mm; horizontal numerical cell width 11km. This time no movie.


Movies again: a high resolution run; horizontal box width 2.6Mm; horizontal numerical cell width 2.6km.


Again high resolution. Colours: log(T) minus horizontal average; black lines: isovalues of log(p) minus horizontal average. Note the generation and propagation of acoustic pulses.

Convection definitively has its artistic aspects as in the following image (entropy in a high-resolution 2D model):